Agency forced to pay out as students win deposit case
A group of students in Bristol have been successful in a court case, after a letting agency acting on behalf of a landlord took money from their deposit.
The six students in question received a letter from Digs letting agency, telling them that a total of £756 would be taken from their deposit. This included £200 for redecoration and more than £500 for cleaning costs.
However, one of the students gave photographic evidence proving that the apartment was left in a better condition than when they moved in. What’s more, the same student also found that only some of the promised redecoration had been carried out.
This further highlights the importance of a comprehensive inventory at the beginning of a tenancy agreement.
The Independent reports that these students also questioned charges made for removal of rubbish and mattress covers, for which Digs could not provide receipts.
Steven Harris, managing director of Digs, said on the matter: ‘We’re extremely disappointed that the deductions charged to Ed Straw and his fellow tenants led to him taking the landlord to court, and in all instances we work towards a more amicable solution. Whilst the court system is there to be used Digs hope that their tenants do not feel the need to go down this route. Having managed 8,000 tenancies in total it is the first time this has happened and we firmly believe it will be the last.’[1]

Agency forced to pay out as students win deposit case
National Union of Students president Malia Bouattia has pledged support for a series of rent strikes across different locations of Britain. In addition, she slammed what she coined as ‘extortionate fees’ being levied on some students.