Deadline to register for Rent Smart Wales is tomorrow
There are less than 24 hours to go until landlords in Wales must sign up to Rent Smart Wales.
The scheme, designed to push up quality of rented accommodation in the country, becomes mandatory tomorrow, 23rd November.
Licensing Scheme
Rent Smart Wales is a new licensing and registration scheme that went live last year. It represents a large change for the private rental sector in the country.
Landlords and letting agents must register their properties and undergo training to gain a licence, should they wish to self-manage their investment.
Investors have until midnight tonight to comply with the new legislation, before it becomes an offence to manage or to let a property without the necessary licence.

Deadline to register for Rent Smart Wales is tomorrow
David Cox, Managing Director at the Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) noted: ‘The law means landlords in Wales-and those in the rest of the UK who own properties in Wales-need to register themselves and their properties with Rent Smart Wales, as well as being suitably trained and licensed to carry out letting or property management activities.’[1]
‘If landlords do not wish to get trained, they need to arrange for a trained and licensed agent to manage their properties on their behalf. If landlords and agents find themselves unlicensed when the deadline arrives on 23 November, they will be unable to practice,’ he added.[1]
Landlords and agents can find out more about the Rent Smart Wales scheme by visiting the Government website.