Landlords reminded to comply with Rent Smart Wales
Landlords and letting agents across Britain with rental properties in Wales have once again been reminded on their legal responsibilities regarding Rent Smart Wales.
Many investors have been warned that they could be unwillingly breaking the law due to non-compliance with these rules.
Rent Smart Wales
Powers of enforcement are now active for Rent Smart Wales. This legislation came into force last year as part of the Housing Act (Wales) 2014 and requires all landlords with properties in the country to register both themselves and their accommodation.
What’s more, self-managing landlords and agents must obtain a licence after the completion of a training course and after having passed a fit and proper person assessment.
As the powers are now active, all landlords that are not compliant face a number of sanctions, including fixed-penalty notices, rent repayment orders and even prosecution. Landlords could also not be able to obtain possession of their property using a Section 21, should they be found to be operating outside of the law.
A register is now available on the Rent Smart Wales website, which allows tenants and the public to check if landlords and agents are breaking the law.
Once landlord is registered, this licence lasts for 5 years.

Landlords reminded to comply with Rent Smart Wales
Better Place
Bethan Jones, Operational Manager of Rent Smart Wales, stated: ‘I would urge any landlords or agents with properties in Wales and who have not yet registered or become licensed, to contact us immediately to avoid legal action. We are still keen to assist those who willingly want to comply.’[1]
‘We’ve worked closely with industry experts to develop the Rent Smart Wales scheme, which we firmly believe will help make the private rental sector in Wales a better place for tenants, landlords and agents,’ she added.[1]