27% of landlords thinking of using online agent
A new survey has revealed that 27% of landlords believe an online letting agency to now be a better option for managing property than a more conventional one.
The investigation, carried out by property consultancy Allsop, also indicates that 31% of buy-to-let landlords are now considering going online in order to save money.
Online letting agents
Further results show that 59% of landlords feel that Government tax changes for the private rental sector will harm their investment profitability. A further 41% said that they are now considering incorporating their business.
40% of investors asked in the survey said that they feel rental growth will increase during the next six months.
37% have been encouraged by heightened demand from their tenants, up from just 4% in the previous six months.

27% of landlords thinking of using online agent
Changing preferences
In conclusion, Allsop stated, ‘it would not surprise us if the preference for online lettings grow in the coming years. A hybrid model of providing expert advice by technological advances, allows for innovative management and letting solutions.’[1]
This news comes on the heels of the launch of Britain’s first online commercial estate and letting agency last week. Virtual Commercial is looking to provide those looking to set or let a commercial home in England and Wales a fixed fee service to help them with their duties.
[1] https://www.lettingagenttoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2016/6/over-a-quarter-of-landlords-consider-online-letting-agents-to-save-money