Website enables landlords to let property from £19!
A new website enabling landlords to let their own properties from as little as only £19 was launched earlier this week by online estate agent, I Am The Agent.
The new portal has been designed to, ‘give control back to homeowners,’ and offers an opportunity to showcase properties. Creative features offered by the site include the ability to highlight the best areas of the property being advertised.
Costings on the website, which also lets homeowners sell property, start from £19 to let and £49 to sell. The industry average is £597, so the portal can offer huge savings.
Timescales for advertising are a maximum of six months for letting and up to one year for sales. What’s more, the online estate agent also offers assisted viewings as an optional extra.
Clients signing up to the site are given a dedicated property assistant. The assistant will be permitted to guide users through the listing process from beginning to end and will arrange viewings if required.

Website enables landlords to let property from £19!
Managing Director of I Am The Agent, Rebecca Peach, said, ‘our vision is to make selling and renting a home simpler, clearer and cheaper with a professional, yet personal service that buyers and sellers alike can trust.’[1]
‘We’ve worked with an expert team of web designers, marketers, property professionals and usability experts to take I Am The Agent to new heights. It’s intuitive, functional and adaptive, packed with useful tools, equipped with full access to some of the biggest property portals in the world and backed by an in-house team of estate agents,’ she added.[2]