Posts with tag: credit score

Rent Payments Should be Used as Part of a Tenant’s Credit Score, MPs Say

Published On: October 24, 2017 at 11:17 am


Categories: Property News

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Rent payments should automatically be used as part of a tenant’s credit score to help them secure a mortgage to buy a home of their own, MPs have said.

Rent Payments Should be Used as Part of a Tenant's Credit Score, MPs Say

Rent Payments Should be Used as Part of a Tenant’s Credit Score, MPs Say

MPs took part in a debate yesterday over whether rent payments should be taken into account when private tenants apply for a mortgage to buy their own homes.

The debate took place at Westminster Hall after a petition on the issue, raised by Plymouth construction worker Jamie Pogson, attracted 147,307 signatures, which is significantly more than the 100,000 needed to force a debate in Parliament.

Credit rating agencies do not currently routinely include rent payment history when calculating credit scores. This means that a tenant can find it difficult to access a mortgage, even if they have a long history of rent being paid in full and on time.

However, a recent survey of almost 3,000 buy-to-let landlords carried out by the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) found that 61% of landlords would support rent payments being added to tenants’ credit histories, in the same way that mortgage payments are.

The RLA believes that including rent payments in this way would also make it easier for landlords to make a more accurate assessment of a prospective renter’s credit and rent payment history.

Steve Burrows, the Managing Director of LateRent and Landlord Secure, a company that already offers a free service allowing landlords to report payment history to credit reference agencies, so that tenants who pay on time can build up a good credit history, also believes that rent payments should be included when calculating credit scores, to support renters wanting to buy their own homes.

He says: “It is no secret that owning a property has become a distant prospect for many, and the private rental sector continues to grow as a result. It’s therefore oddly out of step that tenants are unable to utilise rental payments as part of their credit profile – particularly as the Government increasingly seeks to promote homeownership across the UK.

“We know this has been a rising frustration amongst renters for many years, which is why we launched LateRent – a free service which allows landlords to report payment history to credit reference agencies, so tenants who pay on time can build up a good credit history. It has been hugely welcomed by tenants and landlords alike, showing the importance of yesterday’s debate.”

He adds: “Clearly, it’s time for the Government to sit up and listen to this often overlooked market, and stop simply paying lip service to their own housing policies.”

Do you support the outcome of the debate?

Half of Landlords Would Refuse Tenant over Poor Credit Score

Published On: October 10, 2017 at 10:13 am


Categories: Landlord News

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Almost half of landlords (46%) would refuse an application from a new tenant if they had a poor credit score, new research has revealed.

Half of Landlords Would Refuse Tenant over Poor Credit Score

Half of Landlords Would Refuse Tenant over Poor Credit Score

However, credit histories do not currently form part of regular checks for new tenants, despite them giving a better picture of how an applicant has dealt with making payments in the past.

Typically, letting agents rely heavily on publicly available information, such as County Court Judgements (CCJs) or declarations of bankruptcy, which can give some insight into a tenant’s previous financial footprint, but not the full picture of their current situation.

The fact that landlords put so much weight behind a credit score suggests that the market needs to make this check a normal part of the tenant application process.

According to a new industry report from tenant referencing agency Landlord Secure, 48% of landlords would refuse to sign a tenancy agreement with a tenant who had been subject to a CCJ in the past, while 42% would reject an application from a tenant with past insolvency issues.

Applicants with existing debts, like credit cards or loans, would raise red flags for 30% of landlords, while those in receipt of housing benefit wouldn’t be accepted by 19% of landlords. 16% of landlords wouldn’t accept tenants on Universal Credit.

Although rent payment history does not currently form part of a tenant’s credit score, there are increasing calls in the industry for this to become the norm, so that those in rental properties can build a credit score based on regular and timely payments, and have access to the same advantages as those with a mortgage.

The Managing Director of Landlord Secure, Steve Burrows, says: “Those in rental properties are at a serious disadvantage when it comes to building a credit rating, because paying rent on time doesn’t count towards this score.

“Given that landlords would put more weight behind a tenant’s credit score, those in rental properties should be given the chance to build a better credit score based on their history of paying rent on time.”

Parliament to debate rental payment credit rating plan

Published On: September 19, 2017 at 8:54 am


Categories: Property News

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Private tenants who are prompt with their rental payments may soon see their credit score boosted, which in turn could make it easier for them to get a foot on the housing ladder.

This comes after the news Parliament is to debate the idea of taking rental payments into account when people make an application for a mortgage.


The debate will take place following a petition on the issue raised by Plymouth construction worker Jamie Pogson attracted 147,307 signatures. This was substantially more than the 100,000 required to force a debate in Parliament.

Typically, credit rating agencies do not routinely include rental payments when calculating credit scores. This means a tenant could find it difficult to access a mortgage, even if they have a long history of prompt and full rental payments.

However, a recent survey of nearly 3,000 buy-to-let landlords carried out by the RLA discovered that 61% of landlords would support rental payments being added to credit histories, just in the same way as mortgage payments.

Parliament to debate rental payment credit rating plan

Parliament to debate rental payment credit rating plan

In addition, the RLA believes that including rent payments in this way will make it easier for landlords to ascertain a more accurate assessment of a prospective tenants’ credit and rental payment history.


RLA Chairman Alan Ward observed: ‘With many tenants wanting to buy a house of their own, it is absurd rent payment is not routinely included when undertaking credit checks for mortgage applications.’

‘Moving to such a scheme would help not just tenants, but also landlords by giving them a clearer sense of whether a prospective tenant has historically paid their rent in full and on time.’[1]






Should rental payments be considered to boost credit score?

Published On: August 17, 2017 at 1:05 pm


Categories: Finance News

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An interesting survey of nearly 3,000 buy-to-let landlords, carried out by the Residential Landlords Association, suggests that 61% would back a link between good private tenants and their credit score.

Over six in ten landlords questioned said private tenants who pay their rent on time should receive a boost of their credit score, to make it easier for them to get a foot onto the housing ladder.

Credit Rating

Routinely, credit rating agencies do not consider rental payment history when calculating credit scores. This can make it difficult for them to obtain a mortgage, even when tenants have not fallen behind on their payments.

The Residential Landlords Association believe that including rental payments in this way would make it easier for landlords to gain a better understanding of a would-be tenants’ credit and rental payment history.

Should rental payments be considered to boost credit score?

Should rental payments be considered to boost credit score?

Alan Ward, chairman of the RLA, noted: ‘With many tenants wanting to buy a house of their own, it is absurd rent payment is not routinely included when undertaking credit checks for mortgage applications.’

‘Moving to such a scheme would help not just tenants, but also landlords by giving them a clearer sense of whether a prospective tenant has historically paid their rent in full and on time.’[1]
