Posts with tag: buy to let market stability

Why has the Buy-to-Let Market Improved?

Published On: June 24, 2013 at 11:37 am


Categories: Finance News

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The buy-to-let market is starting to become more robust and is improving further as the economy moves out of recession, according to a recent report.

Select Property has just released their UK Buy-to-Let Report, which indicates variances in the sector during the past few months.


Findings from the report show that buy-to-let mortgages rose from 44,000 in 1999 to 122,000 in 2011. In addition, the figures indicate that £3.1m was lent to buy-to-let investors in 1999, in comparison to £14m in 2011.[1] These figures were collated by the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML).

Giles Bestwick, Director of Select Property, said: “This report will explain more about how the property market has come to favour buy-to-let investors since the economic crisis and why this sector of the industry is now looking relatively robust as a result of strong rental demand and occupancy rates.”[1]

Why has the Buy-to-Let Market Improved?

Why has the Buy-to-Let Market Improved?


Section Property’s analysis also covered features such as the increase of foreign investment in the UK market, improvements in buy-to-let practices and predictions about the future of the market.
