Landlords urge ministry of justice to speed up court wait times
Landlord debt is on the rise
Landlord portfolios shrink due to government policymaking
Nine in ten outer London landlords report rising tenant demand
Nationwide drop in the percentage of asking price being achieved by home sellers
Landlords twice as likely to sell property than buy
Government needs to deliver 67,500 new homes a quarter to hit 1m target
Landlords urged to tell tenants about their right to accept a smart meter as fuel poverty crisis deepens
Rental demand increases, led by south coast
Rental data reveals London has become unaffordable for graduates
76.5% of British residents feel more conscious about home safety in Autumn
Interest rates increased to 0.75% by Bank of England
UK landlords show increased interest in green buy-to-let mortgages
Staycation boom has led to increase in property investors seeking holiday let tax advice
Spring Budget announces Stamp Duty holiday extension
Renters (Reform) Bill ‘a golden opportunity to improve standards in the PRS’
Landlords more worried by Section 21 reform than Stamp Duty or loss of tax relief
Rental White Paper pause is a ‘golden opportunity’ to get rental reform right
NRLA calls for property passports to crack down on sub-standard housing
Number of First Time Buyers at Highest Level Since June 2017